
Prayer is a conscious choice from your free will on how you choose the quality of your life

Start your day with a prayer to set up your entire day, so your day will have synchronicity, flow, abundance, generosity, and success. With a prayer you will name your world knowing that all the molecules in existence of your Universe in your world have to be organized and orchestrated to deliver that reality in your life. 

Finish your day with a prayer of gratitude for a wonderful day you had and asking angels to bring you more days like that day. Or pray for forgiveness for yourself and others if during a day you had negative feeling to someone(s) or someone had expressed a negative feeling toward you. With a prayer of forgiveness, you will let those negative energies go and return your heart and soul to a place of unconditional love.

Say a prayer with feeling that you own every word in it. You don’t need to use exactly words that are given below but you are making a conscious choice from your free will on how you choose the quality of your life. 

Prayer to start a day 

Today I am blessed and my entire life is blessed. I live a blessed life. I just use my free will and my power to name my word “.....”  (Name your world: Miraculous; Magnificent; Blissful; Peaceful, etc, and you start working with the most powerful universal law: the Law of Attraction)

 Today I accept gratefully and abundantly all goods and miracles that are here from me already from the Creator. I accept them all with great excitement.  I know that my word is so good that others can only show me that good. My money is good, my life is good, my home is good, my relationships are good... (add more if you want).

 Everything is good in my world. And I receive abundantly all my goods now. That is why I names my world to be “....”

 And so it is done, and so it is. Amen

Prayer for Forgiveness

God, today in this moment I forgive myself for anything that I’m holding onto that’s not love for myself and for my life, and for others. And I forgive others, God, for anything that is not love between us, and I let that go back to you God.

And I ask for all of my life force energy to return back from these thoughts, feelings and situations.

And so it is done, and so it is. Amen

Prayer for Divine Synchronicity

Thank you, God, that I am now synchronized in everything I think, every decision I make, every direction I take and everyone I meet today.

My day is in total harmony, and everything in my life flows beautifully, abundantly, joyously with the perpetual creating flow that is yours, God.

Thank you, God, and I hand over all the details to you.

And so it is done, and so it is. Amen

Prayer for Taking Fears

God take from me now any residue of fear that would disempower my life. Take from me now all energies, frequencies, vibrations, all thoughts and feelings, all patterns, programs, and believe systems, and inner voice that come from that fear.

 God take this fear out of my cellular structure and my DNA. Take it out my life contract. Take it out of me whether it belongs to me or anyone else. God take it out of me whether it belongs to this lifetime, or any other lifetimes where that fear came from.

 God take this residue of disempowering fear from me now.

 And so it is done, and so it is. Amen 

Prayer for Blessing Water and Food

God please bless this food/ water, increase vibrations of every element of this food/ water to its highest and healthiest potential, release all toxins and contaminants to the Light, and harmonize vibrations of this food/water with mine vibrations.

And so it done, and so it is. Amen

Prayer for Divine Disconnection

Thank you, God, for Divinely disconnecting anyone and anything that has become connected at any level of my being that is not a Divine connection. Thank you, God, for returning all of this energy back to the Light.

Thank you, God, for Divinely disconnecting all of my energy that has become connected to anyone and anything that is not a Divine connection. Thank you, God, for cleansing my energy through the Divine Golden Light of God and returning my energy back to me.

Thank you, God, for cleansing, clearing, repairing, releasing, and refilling my energy now with the Golden Light of God.

And so it is done, and so it is. Amen

Prayer for Empowering Truth

God put into me now that truth that empowers my life to live my life in safety, in freedom, in joy, and in acceptance of all Greatness of who I am. God put this self-empowerment into me now. Put every energy, and frequencies, and vibrations. Put it into my every thought and feeling and belief system.

God make this a pattern, a program and an inner voice of myself. This loving, gentle, and empowering voice that says loving, gentle, and empowering words to myself that allows me to be kind to myself, to celebrate myself and to accept my greatness, abundance, prosperity, and all the love that is rightfully mine.

God make this truth now in every cell of my being and encode this into my DNA.

Thank you, God, for all my life.

And so it is done, and so it is. Amen