
When you forgive yourself and others, you open your heart to joy

All of us have moments in our lives when we, our loved ones or our friends have acted from a place of fear, anger, insecurity, or unawareness. And sometimes we are holding onto those memories, not able to forgive and let it go. Unforgiveness for others and ourselves is one of the feelings that disconnect us from joyful living. It is like a fungus that eats our happiness and joy out of our lives.

Understanding that unforgiveness is unhealthy for your body and soul, that it is dragging you down into unhappiness, is the first step from the dark place into the light. We are here to experience joy and bliss, to discover that we are bigger and stronger than who we think we are!

Make a choice to forgive yourself and everyone and everything in your life that brought you hurt and betrayal, anger and sorrow, that separated you from the light and love. And pray for forgiveness! If you do not know how, below is the prayer that AA Haniel gave in her teaching and I found it very helpful in my life.


Prayer for Forgiveness

God, today in this moment I forgive myself for anything that I’m holding onto that’s not love for myself and for my life, and for others. And I forgive others, God, for anything that is not love between us, and I let that go back to you God, and I ask for all of my life force energy to return back from these thoughts, feelings and situations. Aamen

The prayer works in miraculous ways even when a person had passed away and you no longer have an opportunity to ask for forgiveness personally. If you feel that you have so much to say to that person, that your heart is full of unforgiveness for what you done, I would suggest to write a letter to the person and then burn it, asking God to deliver all the words of the letter to the spirit of that person. You will feel lightness in your heart and your soul after you do.

 When you forgive yourself and others, you open your heart to joy!